Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Storm-takers & Hope-givers

Tornadoes ravaged our part of the country 11 days ago. Although numerous twisters touching down here, most damage occurred on the Ohio River's western side. Marysville, Indiana no longer exists, and most of neighboring Henryville lies in ruins. One of our church families lost their home this side of the river.

Government arrived on day 4 to assess damage. It deemed Henryville hadn't sustained enough damage to qualify for help, "only" having 300 homes in shambles, not the 400 or more required.

Community began clean-up as soon as the storm passed. And one standing church in Henryville served meals and provided needs~not days later, but immediately. One report told of a man going to his truck to get some sleep and finding food and blankets placed there by people who just did what needed to be done.

So it was with our church family's home and property. Pastor, other family & friends, folks from the community, and 4 other churches showed up to help. Mark, the husband, relayed, "They were like a human vacuum, cleaning so much so fast, I couldn't believe my eyes." The ones who gathered that day came to restore hope to this devastated family. Pastor said the helpers were equally blessed by one another.

Houses and material possessions are gone, but those hit by these storms haven't lost hope, and neither have those who've stepped in where government hasn't. We need each other.

Our Army National Guard son called, telling us of storm-torn counties in Eastern Kentucky~one town  nearly gone and another calling in the guard for road-clearing. State funds were not available to do more. Yet, newspaper articles report people didn't head to shelters or to the Red Cross for help. Family and friends took them in. That's what mountain folk do~and do it so well.

Storms take away (weather-related and life ones both) ... yet God gives hope, and so do those who share Him with their community. Thank you, hope-givers! You're an amazing blessing!


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