Thursday, May 31, 2012

So You Won't Go Through This Alone

Last Sunday should have been our son's high school graduation. That's what's marked on the calendar. But what actually took place was abdominal surgery. Of course, God knew this all ahead of time. He even knew before we adopted Min that he would one day face surgery due to his genetic disease.

Week ago Monday our son had an ultrasound to study his kidneys, which can become problematic for kids with neurofibromatosis, type 1. During that scan, a large mass was found. We spent the rest of that week helping Min through additional tests, resulting in surgery by week's end. Now that the grapefruit-sized mass is removed, our son lies recovering ~ very slowly and not so smoothly.

Because of our son's other life-struggle, Asperger's, we are staying with him around-the-clock, attempting to keep his busy hands from undoing IV's, stopping him from removing tubes that must stay in place, and protecting his incision. It's a 24/7 task.

A thought occurred to me when doctors told us our son would have a large active tumor removed ... This is why we adopted Min ~ so he wouldn't go through this alone. Oh sure, there are other reason we adopted him, but perhaps non so important as this (with exception to teaching him about the Savior so he could one day accept Jesus into his life).

Did we adopt Min because we needed him? Not in one sense of the word. Did we want him? Yes. If we hadn't adopted Min, he was slated to go to an orphanage for the "unadoptable." I thought about what it might have been like if Min had faced this surgery and rough aftermath in a hospital without family ... perhaps alone and so full of fear.

I've also reflected how my relationship with God, Who adopted me, is similar. Did He need me? Not really. Did He want me? Yes. And He is with me through all the trials I go through. That's a great reason to be adopted. I'm so glad my loving Father took me in and made me a part of His family so I don't have to go through ANYTHING alone.

During Min's struggles with testing, surgery, and rough post-op period, he cried, "I'm so glad you are here to help me."

Min, we are too ... and we're also grateful that God is with us all so we don't have to go through this alone.

*During our time at the hospital, I'm not able to get into this browser and respond or post additional blogs. We are going on week two there. Please be patient with me. I shall return! And thank you so much for your prayers. We certainly need them.


  1. Crying tears of joy and sadness right now. Praying for Jesus to strengthen and heal. I'm so glad Min has you, Sarah. I'm so glad you all have Jesus.

    Beautiful post. Thanks for writing.

    Love and prayers for all,
    Elaine W. Miller

    1. So sad, so glad too. It's been a rough haul, but grateful to have The Father as our Help.

  2. I'm continuing to pray for Min, Sarah. What a beautiful post and a wonderful picture of our adoption into God's family.

    1. Thanks, Terri. I can't imagine going through any of life's trials without our loving Savior and Father God.

  3. Sarah and Brian,

    Your outlook is an encouragement. Min understands the adoption and love of his heavenly Father through the actions and love of his earthly parents. God did know. You never know when your struggle will open the door to share with another in the same situaution. I pray for open doors to share this story of hope with Jesus to the hospital staff and the families you meet while there.

    Hugs and prayers to you all,
    Lisa M Buske
    Http ://

    1. Hadn't thought of that, Lisa. Thanks for the insight. May we be good, godly examples so Min truly comprehends the great love God has for him.


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