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Use by permission from photographer, Timothy Sloma* |
I smiled and replied, “I don’t about that. I think Northern Lights stay pretty much in the north.” I reminded him we had a glimpse of them when we lived in Central New York, but he didn't remember and wanted to see them NOW.
Min is multiply disabled. Everything he does (outside of his Aspergian niches) challenges him. Yet, when Min prays for something, God always seems to answer his requests. So much so, that we often ask Min to pray when we have a need. It’s like a gift God’s given him—a ministry.
So Min fully expected God would bring the Northern Lights to Kentucky. I, however, doubted and wondered if Min’s bubble would burst. Later I told my husband about the morning’s conversation.
He replied, “Oh well”…as if to say maybe God wouldn’t answer this one…this time.
Imagine our shock and awe when that afternoon’s weather reportor announced that, should the sky be clear, the Aurora Borealis would be visible in Kentucky. Hubby and I looked at each other, eyes popping and jaws dropped.
When Min came home, we told him God had heard his prayer and planned to send the Northern Lights our way.
Min smiled. “I knew God could do that, but why did He do it for me?”
I wondered too. “Maybe God wants you to know He loves you so much and wanted to do something special for you.”
“I think that means, if He cares about me this much,” Min pondered aloud, “He will help me when I grow up to live in an apartment and get a job and help me be able to do those things okay.”
Sadly, cloud-cover stopped us from seeing this sight, but the lights were there, non-the-less. That’s all that mattered to Min. That and knowing God loved him so much that He answered yet another of his prayers.
...With God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26b ESV
*Tim captured this sight on film in Alaska. This photo may not be copied without his permission.