Photo by Joanna Sensenig |
I'm a city girl who grew up in a "brown thumb" family. Oh, Mom and Dad occasionally grew tomatoes in a tiny patch of earth. These endeavors generally yielded little to nothing. I, too, have tried from time to time raising a garden. Sadly, I inherited my parents' gardening gene. Yet I'm still fascinated with all God's given to enjoy in His creation ~ one of these being sunflowers.
Not until a few years ago, while researching a story idea, did I realize the wonder of these giants. I had assumed one planted them to face the direction where they'd receive the most admiration from passers by. Silly city girl! Instead, the magnificent flowers follow the sun east to west all day long every day. That amazed me. They don't stand at attention to me or anyone else, instead, totally yielding to the Creator's sun as if their life depends on this. And, indeed, it does.
If I focus on the things and people about me and fail to keep my eyes on Jesus, I become down-trodden and discouraged. Surely this life yields its share of difficulties. But if I fix my eyes on my Savior, Who is always there and never fails, my hope is renewed ~ just like the sunflower that gathers it's nutrients from following the sun.
Used with Christian Charisma's permission |
"Looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2) The One Who died and rose again is the same One on Whom I can depend no matter what. If I take my eyes off the Lord, I sink just like the disciple Peter, when Jesus bid him to walk on the water. As long as Peter focused on His Savior, he continued toward Jesus. But when the disciple looked down at the fearful waves about him, he began sinking. (I'm so like this.)
My prayer for you is that you'll look to Jesus ~ not just when times distress and waves toss you about ~ but that your face will always follow the Son. Then when the travails of life hit, you will still draw life-giving Hope from the Savior.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus ~ Look full in His wonderful Face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace.
(Public Domain ~ Helen H. Lemmel ~ 1922)
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