Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Follow The Leader

Photo by Laura Kee Clouse
Does the tot in the photo want to catch up with the pumpkins or with his dad? He may relish the prizes they picked from the patch that day, but ultimately he needs his daddy ~ the leader, the one who helped find these big round orange wonders that now have faces carved in them.

I've been thinking a lot these pre-election days. Who will we chose to follow the next four years? What do I look for in a leader? Here are some thoughts:

~ I want a leader who is honest, no matter how bad the news. I can trust someone who doesn't lie. If a person deceives once, he may again. Being able to trust is vital.

~ I need a leader who knows what he's talking about, has proven it, and doesn't give empty promises (which are no better than lies).

~ I desire a leader of good moral character. What is in one's heart reflects through his life and actions, and one's faith guides how he does both. Some say character and faith don't matter, but what seed is rooted in the heart always grows either into a good plant or terrible weed.

This election like no other in our nation's history will decide our fate ~ whether we will journey down a deteriorating path or hope for another period of grace on this God-founded country. Who will I chose?

Photo by Stephen Brower
Ultimately, I'll follow Truth ~ no matter what happens at the polls. Our sovereign God is over all. I pray He grants us favor and once again "sheds His grace on thee," America. No matter what the voting outcome, I have a Leader I can follow, One who will lead me to the heavenly prize and hold my hand the whole way.

"Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD; look unto the Rock whence ye are hewn..." 
Isaiah 51:1

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Sarah! Ultimately, the only one to follow is Jesus Christ. I am so glad He is my King!


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