Friday, February 1, 2013

Something God Cannot Do

I love to play Scrabble ~ perhaps inheriting this from Mom who, back in the day, became my rival whenever the crossword game hit the table. No nurturing there. Game on!

Times have changed. Mom's gone. I now play on-line with other folk. The tougher the opponent, the better. With these die-hard Scrabblers I must scrutinize every move, realizing one mistake can cost a win.

Ah! I study my rack of A, I, M, L, G, D, F tiles. My opponent plays A-C-T. Opportunity! I place my F on the triple letter spot followed by A-I-L. FAIL. FACT. A whoppin' 32. Then I think, That's something God cannot do ~ Fail. 

As a girl I believed that, and over the decades since I questioned just once. My premise: God was either Who He said He was or He was the biggest egomaniac Who ever lived. Yes, this sounds terribly irreverent; and if I'd truly contemplated the second thought, then I would have been the egomaniac. Ones who've questioned God and determined to prove Him wrong, using His Word to do so, have found they were in gross error.

This Book of books has not been disproved. With there being no error in His Word, everything He claimed to be is true. He Himself is Truth. Thus, He states Who He is and gives promises that will not be broken because He cannot fail.

"...He never fails..." Zephaniah 3:5 NKJV Because The Bible is The Word of Truth Himself speaking to us, I know He doesn't fail. He never will. And so I can rest in Him when calamity hits, as it often does. I can hope in Him Who is Hope. And Hope does not disappoint.

So if you thought God could do everything, you're wrong. He cannot FAIL. That's FACT. And that's HOPE ~ also a great Scrabble word!


  1. Loved your blog, Sarah. It's so true. Amen.

    1. Thanks, Marsha...and you KNOW this truth. I so love playing Scrabble with you too.

  2. Amen, Sarah. He CANNOT fail. He CANNOT lie. He CANNOT sin. I just wish He'd let us in on some of the mysteries of life ... know what I mean?

    1. That's right. And as for the mysteries of life, I believe He lets us in on the ones we need to know when we need to know them...but, oh, how different my timing is from His. Shall I always struggle with that? Hmm.

  3. Sarah,

    Scrabble is a favorite game in our home too. We have so much in common, as with my mom, "Game On!" it was. We now play word games via our Kindles and still just as competitive. Love it.

    Thank you for the comparison, and the reminder of who is Perfect and doesn't fail us. God.

    Lisa M Buske

    1. Oh, Lisa, I know you and your family know this truth so well. Where would we be without Him!

  4. Thank you, Sarah for a beautiful message. A good reminder of the faithfulness of God. He who cannot fail will not fail me, though His ways are higher than mine I can trust Him. I can have hope.

  5. And thank you, Gayle, for your encouragement. Yes, God is all He promised to be. So glad for this!


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