Friday, November 25, 2011

Math + Marriage

Math has been a huge challenge my whole life. Despite tutors, easier courses, and a mom sitting over me at homework time, I just “didn’t get it.” I still don’t. I cannot shop without a calculator, balance a checkbook, and often reverse numbers. My husband knows this and keeps me a “safe distance” from the banking.

What about math and marriage? The glorious pictures of a fuzzy-edged couple running slow-motion into each other’s arms hardly describe our journey. I’ve kept past anniversary cards—most reading, “It’s been a rough journey, but I’m glad we could travel it together.” We’ve endured more hardships than seem “fair” for one couple.

After one period of harrowing years, I happed upon an article on marriages surviving the tough stuff. Included—a survey of percentages each specific crisis took away from a marriage. Most marriages hit by multiple difficulties ended in divorce. Brian came into the room while I completed the survey.

I dropped the magazine and said, “If I add up the percentages of problems we’ve gone through in our marriage, we've got a 0% chance.”   

“Good thing you’re not very good at math,” he replied with a smile.

The only (totally unscientific) explanation I have for us still being Rev. & Mrs. Brian Hampshire is that on November 25th, 1978 we made a pledge before God. We kept our word, and the Infinite kept His.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Sarah & Brian!!! We've had our share of punch gut crises in our marriage and I'm so thankful that we've kept our word too. We'll be married 24 years this June.

  2. Thanks, Terri. Yup, life can hit ya hard. What would we do without God!


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